Manor House Museum

Loans Boxes

The Manor House Museum has a selection of loans boxes that can be hired by schools and community organisations for a minimum weekly period. Loan boxes generally contain some original artefacts as well as replicas, together with illustrated material, background information and teachers notes.

If you would like to enquire about hiring a loans box, please contact the Manor House Museum via email at: Our Learning and Engagement Facilitator will confirm whether a box is available for hire.

Boxes are usually collected from and returned to the Manor House Museum on a weekly basis but are often available for longer than a single week; our staff will be able to advise whether a longer loan period is available.

When a box is collected, you will be asked to sign a Loans Box Agreement Form. This is to ensure that we have the correct contact details for you and helps to prevent any confusion if objects are mislaid, as any missing items will be listed on the form when you collect the box.

The cost of a loans box is £5.00 per week. Loans box invoices are emailed out to your establishment after the box has been returned and checked back in by our staff.

Please collect and return the box by the agreed date, as other groups may have booked it. If not, an additional charge of £5.00 per day for the first three days and a £1.00 charge per day thereafter will be invoiced to the hirer until the box is returned.