
Our goal is to create interactive, engaging, and accessible learning experiences for all.

Through our Museum and Gallery collections, Cornerstone nurtures meaningful connections with our communities. We use creative and imaginative ways to bring history and art alive, enabling young people to learn about the past, and inspiring them to explore further.

A new Learning programme is being developed to support individual and classroom learning. The Museum and Gallery team are busy creating new and exciting resources and sessions to engage young people in a variety of subjects, encouraging creativity and enriching their knowledge.

Our Learning programme links to the national curriculum objectives to enhance Art, DT, Geography, History, and Science subject teaching.

Suitcase box with WW1 objects inside- a gun, helmet and photos

Borrow a Loan Box

Our loan boxes are available for use in your school, youth group, or community setting, exploring local history and wider curriculum topics through hands on activities and artefact handling.

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Home Learning

A collection of activities and resource packs for young people to play and learn at home.

Coming Soon